Monday, December 27, 2010

Volume #005: Heaven on Earth

Heaven on Earth, as a book, has a three-fold purpose for the reader. The first purpose is that Abba Father, LORD GOD, Lord Jesus Christ is ushering in the greater glory of the Lord and heralding in Revelation 21 and Revelation 22. The second purpose is for the Christian audience, Heaven on Earth is used by LORD GOD to deliver and impart spiritual gifts, new wine for new wineskins. Also for the Christian audience, the LORD GOD is presenting common ground for Christian values and beliefs and the front face of the Church of Jesus Christ. The third purpose is for the general audience - all people and people groups of the world. For the general audience, the LORD GOD is setting the stage for the part that the Church of Jesus Christ plays in the local and the global community. The LORD GOD is also engaging all people from all walks of life, from the least to the greatest, in the effort and partnership to heal communities and nations.

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Monday, July 12, 2010

Volume #004: The Growth Paradigm

Volume #004: The Growth Paradigm is a yet unfinished and unpublished work in progress.

It is very easy for children to grow and keep growing. They just learn and grow very naturally. When we get to adulthood, sometimes life gets in the way and we stop growing. We end up getting frustrated with life and with ourselves and we don't know why.

The Growth Paradigm puts forward a proposition that adults need to grow. We, as adults, need visions and dreams that inspire and fuel our growth and our lives. And that all growth is spiritual growth.

The Growth Paradigm suggests practical ideas of how we can break the growth plateau and resume our journey of spiritual growth towards an abundant life.

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Cheers and thanks for all your support,
In the name of Jesus, Amen.

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Volume #003: Facing Change

In contemporary times, individuals, communities, and nations experience change - constant and rapid change. We have been driven beyond our human capacity to cope and adapt with the demands of a postmodern twenty-first century lifestyle. As a result of these unrealistic demands, we have become weakened, and many Christians have been drawn away from their first love.

The Lord Jesus Christ has been doing the work of reestablishing the foundation of the earth and the laws of the universe. He is building leaders to be His hands and feet to rebuild communities and nations. And to accomplish this rebuilding, He chooses ordinary folks like you and me.

Facing Change will show you how to strengthen what has been made weak in your life and then take that newfound understanding and spiritual health and in turn encourage others in your communities and nations.

Facing Change is based on timeless biblical principles as set out by the Lord Jesus Christ Himself since before time began. Psalm 103:2 (NIV) instructs us to, "Praise the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits." As we practice this praise, and put to work the lessons learnt in this book, we will find strength, comfort, peace, and rest for our souls.

May God bless you with all good things.
May you catch a glimpse of His grace and mercy.
And may you grow in faith, hope and love - the things that last forever.

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Cheers and thanks for all your support,
In the name of Jesus, Amen.

Volume #002: Lord Jesus Christ, You are Lord of Everything

Volume #002: Lord Jesus Christ, You are the Lord of Everything is the second book of the Lord Jesus Christ for the second age - a prophetic Word for the second seven years of restoration - after the first seven years when the Lord re-established the foundation of the earth and the laws of the universe. The prophetic Word is the Word of the Lord which are the seeds that we are sowing into the future so that we can see a future harvest.

God is able to listen to every heart and mind, and He knows every heart's desires, all at the same time, whereas that would be clearly impossible for one person, or one team (no matter how big the team is), to do. So, it is good for us to trust in God, for God is pure light, the Bible says. If God is pure light and there is no darkness in Him, then clearly He does not plan terrorism or hate crimes. God is always Faithful and True to His Word - His promises to humankind. He is always gracious and merciful to the repentant, those who are willing to change their ways from wrong to right, and His judgment is always just.

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Cheers and thanks for all your support,
In the name of Jesus, Amen.

Volume #001: The Truth according to Jesus Christ: A letter to the world

Volume #001: The Truth according to Jesus Christ: A letter to the world is the first book scribed for the re-establishment of the foundation of the earth and the laws of the universe under the guidance and leadership of the Lord Jesus Christ. This is a documentation of the historical and prophetic journey that the Lord Jesus Christ took to re-establish the foundation of the earth and the laws of the universe starting at a time when the foundation of the earth was destabilised as a result of widespread post-modernism and apostasy.

The Lord Jesus Christ has used the hands and feet of the willing, the available, and the faithful to help in this work of re-establishing stability in the earth's foundation.

The re-establishment of the foundation of the earth took 7 years, also known as an age. This was the first iteration or first age since the millenium or Y2K.

At the time of writing this blog post, the book has already been published and frozen in time. At this time, we are going through the second iteration or the second age or the second seven years. I am currently working with a second church with a focus on the glory of God and a healing ministry: re-establishment of the foundation of the earth and the laws of the universe for the specific purpose of healing communities and nations; again also under the guidance and leadership of Abba Father, Lord God, Lord Most High, Lord Jesus Christ.

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Cheers and thanks for all your support,
In the name of Jesus, Amen.